How often should we bathe our dogs?
Dogs with healthy skin don't need a bath any more than once in 3-4 weeks. Unless of course, they go & roll in poop or dead carcass ? If your dog/s smells bad a few days after a...
Golden Paste
We all know that turmeric has a host of health properties. But when it's added to the dog's food while cooking is quite useless as it passes through their body without getting...
Why natural over chemical methods to keep our dogs tick free
When we are at our home in Bandipur, we spend a lot of time outdoors. We have a home here which is by the shrub forest. It is here that our quest for chemical-free options to...
Yeast infection in dogs
Yeast lives inside & on the skin of every dog. When there is an overgrowth of this yeast, however, is when trouble starts. The dogs give off a sickly sweet smell, like moldy...